Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Computer genius at 6 years


Ayan Qureshi, Pakistani origin, is the official Windows Installer younger, having passed the same tests than adults to obtain the certificate.

It could pass for a normal 6-year-old who calls the phone to his parents to play with him, but Ayan Qureshi what you are fascinated computers. Officially, it is the world's youngest Windows installer. An official certification Microsoft grants from the nineties to those who can engage in a professional manner for your operating system. His skills go beyond the basic installation and configuration. It is able to tell if Explorer, the browser controversial Redmond, give problems or remove a hard disk whose content is encrypted safely.

According to a Microsoft spokesperson, Ayan did not receive any help. He completed the test in the same conditions as the rest of candidates that were submitted to the test in the UK. In fact, it got 700 of 1,000 possible points. This little computer genius living in London since 2009, but was born in Lahore, Pakistan, where his parents originate.

Microsoft has confirmed the story ". It is not easy to pass the exam hard to imagine someone your age doing the manuals and test," said a spokesman for the British newspaper.

Arfa Karim, one girl also Pakistan, who died in 2012, got the same certification in 2004, nine years. He died at age 16 after an epileptic episode, and after their treatment was paid by Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft. But, despite this achievement, Ayan's father says he prefers not to exert as Windows Installer and prioritize their school obligations.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Oporto and Sporting

The Oporto has not become a leader and he owes it to the referees. So believes Lopetegui who keeps embroiled with the guild. "I understand why some complain about the referees in Europe; they are used to seeing errors in their favor (in the Portuguese league), this is what the Basque coach declared.

Lopetegui complaints were about a penalty given against his team, "Many have been given on his favor but his team has missed the goals". The hint was for Sporting Lisbon, absolutely oblivious to the problems of the Spanish with the referees, who complained in the Champions about a penalty for Schalke.

But Lopetegui can be calmed while the president continues doing so laudatory statements about the work of the Basque coach. Pinto Costa notes that the shortcomings of the team are due to his youth and their future is bright thanks to the work being developed by the Basque.

Sporting could only tight the game at home against Pacos de Ferreira. The Lisbon team had to take the lead, but Slimani failed more than he should and even Capel, could get the win.